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Monday, April 5, 2010

Cat Nip Herb

Catnip is a familiar name for a recurrent herb of the mint family. It is native to Europe and is an import to the United States and other countries.

Cat nip herb can be cultivated as high as 3 feet, have lots of branches and can be known by its bunch of tiny white purple-marked flowers at the ends of its stems.
Catnip encloses diverse aromatic oils such as nepetalactone, Butyric Acid, Dipentene, Citronellol and more. There are different approaches displayed by cats when they come in contact with this chemical. Cats, rub against Catnip as though trying to coat themselves, roll on it, toss it about, and rub their faces in it, some salivates it, some play with it and some even chew it. Cat owners time and again take pleasure in seeing the effect that catnip has on their pet.

There are near about 250 species of Catnip such as Common Catnip, Camphor Catnip, Lemon Catnip, Greek Catnip and many more. And Cat nip is also commonly known with the names such as cataria, Catmint, Cat's Wort, Garden Nep, Catrup, Catnep and Herba Cataria and more.

Apart from being a remedial herb, many gardeners grow catnip for its decorative worth. Catnip herb is not only cherished for its attractiveness to cats but it helps gastric spur in humans as well. The effects of catnip seem to change from cat to cat