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Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Calico Cat personality

Calico cats are pet cats that are commonly found in many homes, which is a very popular and pretty cat. They are wonderful companions, intelligent and sweet natured. It gets along with other pets and children’s well. One of the significant advantage of calico cat is that they tend to be friendly and active cats. A calico cat personality is independent and quirky. Calico cats temperament is mainly quiet. There are many breeds of cats such as Persian, Himalayan, Manx, etc but among all these cat breeds, calico cat breed is loveliest among all. These are beautifully colored felines that show up in many different breeds. That’s not all; the calico cat breed was regarded as the official cat of Maryland on October 1, 2001. Its beautiful colors of orange, black and white are found on Baltimore oriole and Baltimore Checkerspot Butterfly, the State bird and insect respectively. In many cultures, calico cats are believed to bring good luck and in the United Sates these are sometimes referred to as money cats.

A large majority of calico cats are females. This is because; genetically it takes two X chromosomes for a cat to be a calico cat. On the other hand, a male would have to born with two X chromosomes and one Y chromosomes to be a calico cat. But there is a very rare chance that a male calico cat can pop up. The occasional male calico cat is usually a sterile, which originates because of the particular genetic mix it takes to produce a calico. Several veterinarians around the world have studied and notified that only one in three thousand calico cats actually turns out to be a male. According to the research conducted by the College of Veterinary Medicine in Missouri, one out three thousand calico cats is male. Producing calico cat kittens through selective breeding is next to impossible due to unpredictable actions of genes and chromosomes when cells multiply in feline fetus.
A calico cats life is as long as twenty years if it is fed and groomed well along with lots of love and attention. Thus, if you are thinking of purchasing a cat, then Calico cat breed would be an excellent choice.


Thursday, December 11, 2008

Homemade Cat Food

In today's modern environment, a majority of large population all over the world are living very stressful and busy lives. They go for easy and swift solutions for any sort of problems. Likewise, the cat owners also prefer the convenient solutions foe their cats by feeding them with the commercially made cat foods such as canned food instead of home made goods. By feeding the cats with the commercially prepared food, we are just toying with their health. However, the scenario has changed over the years. Nowadays, more and more number of people are switching to Homemade cat foods because of the recent reports of cat food contamination and inopportune cat deaths.
The advantages of feeding your cat with the homemade cat food are many. The Homemade cat foods do not contain any additives, fillers, etc and they are completely safe cat food for the cats. It increases the longevity period of the cats as it prevents them from the various deadly diseases. Since, the homemade cat food is devoid of any kind of preservatives and fillers, your cat will be happier, livelier and healthy.
Feeding your cat with the Homemade cat food can be prime choice but at times this kind of cat food may not be suitable for the well being of the cat. Many Homemade cat foods are deficient of essential cat food nutrition that is considered vital for the health of the cat. Moreover, there is a dearth of the certain nutrients such as vitamins and minerals in a large percentage of the cats. The Homemade cat food is certainly not a solution to this problem.
A cat owner, while preparing a Homemade cat food must keep in mind that your pet is not a human. His needs are very much different from yours. At times, most of the cat owners ignore the essential nutrients needed by the cat while preparing a homemade cat. One of the basic constituent of any quality cat food is protein. The Homemade cat food must be very rich in proteins. The main sources of proteins are eggs, meat, dairy products, etc. Some of the items such as garlic, onion, grapes, chocolates, walnuts, etc must be excluded from the homemade cat food diet. Therefore, it is suitable that the recommended homemade cat food recipe should be followed rather than substituting your cat with the other commercially prepared cat foods.

It must be ensured that the cat is getting quality homemade cat food enriched with essential nutrients. In order to provide the cat with the well balanced diet of natural homemade cat food, the cat owner must spare some of his precious time in discovering some of the balanced Homemade cat food recipes. They can find some of the nutritious and healthy homemade cat food recopies online. Preparing a Homemade cat food requires a great deal of knowledge and money as compared to commercially prepared cat foods. However, if you feeding your cat with the Homemade cat food then you are safeguarding its longevity and healthier life.


Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Natural Cat Food

A natural cat food is a latest trend that is gradually gaining momentum in the cat food industry. Natural cat food is significant for the overall development and well being of the cat. A natural cat food is very much different from the other organic cat foods available in the market. It does not consist of artificial flavors, preservatives, etc. It only includes fresh and natural ingredients that are beneficial for maintaining the health of the cat.
Cats are mainly natural carnivorous animals, so, they require more number of proteins. Protein is very much essential for the cats as it ignites their cells and fills them with the appropriate amount of energy. Proteins are more found in the meat. Most of the natural cat food contains the essential antioxidant content such as spinach, carrots, apples, garlic, etc. If a cat is provided with the diet rich in carbohydrates then it can misbalance their digestive system. Therefore, the cats must be provided with the low carbohydrate natural cat food. The natural balance cat food contains the same meat that is approved for the humans to eat.
A best natural cat food keeps your cat healthy and lively. A natural food cat is rich in various essential nutrients that are considered essential for the well being of the cats. A research has shown that feeding your cat with the natural cat food helps in keeping the cat’s coat healthier and thicker. Also the digestive system of the cat remains in a very good condition. Thus, a well balanced natural cat food keeps a cat healthy for many years. Several cat food experts have given best natural cat food reviews.
There are myriad of natural cat foods available in the market. Each one claiming to be best among the others. It is very much important that the cat food must be chosen after carefully analyzing its ingredients, quality, benefits, etc. You can also consult your veterinarian before going to buy the food for your cat. A cat food can be purchased from the grocery, natural cat food store or health food stores, natural pet food store, etc.
