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Thursday, November 27, 2008

Cleaning Cat Urine

It is certainly a very tedious task for any cat owner to clean the cat urine. The cat urine smell or odor is very bad and also lefts stains on the floor, which is very difficult ot remove.

One must clean the cat urine from the perspective of the cats. You may feel that you have got rid of cat urine completely but this is truly fallacious. The nose of a cat is much more sensitive than that of normal human beings. You think that, you have got success in cleaning cat’s urine and removed the cat urine smell completely, but the fact is that the cat may still smell where he or she urinated. This creates a hell lot of problems since cats like to urinate in those places where they have urinated before.
Foe cleaning cat urine, you must not use any kind of the household products. There are plethora’s of cat urine smell removing products available in the market and these are easily available from the various pet stores. You must choose that type of product that contains enzymes as it will neutralize the smell. It is really very easy to get rid of the cat urine smell off the floor but cleaning cat urine off the carpet is a huge task. In order to clean cat urine of the carpet do not push the urine deeper into the carpet fibers but simply follow the strict directions on the bottle.

Cat Video

The cat owners with the help of video cat can greatly alleviate some of the common found behaviors of the cats. It provides relief to the cat owners by seeing their household items extremely safe from the cat’s claw. Cat videos are certainly beneficial for those cats that are homebound and do not have an opportunity to see the outer world. Cat videos ignite some of the basic instincts of the cats and also make the cats understand that they should be hunting some of the animals shown on the cat video.

A video cat can be seen as one of the greatest and wonderful tool for minimizing the laziness among the cats as they spend a lot of their time in sleeping. A cat video makes a huge difference particularly in the cat’s life. A cat video can be provided to the cats of all ages. Cat video increases the activities of cats such as playing, jumping, etc as well as also improves their shape. You can have a joy of spending the maximum amount of time with your beloved cats purely because of cat video.
The cat owners using the cat video will feel happy by seeing their cats filled with joy and excitement. By providing your cats with the cat video you are virtually giving them the opportunity to feel or engage themselves in the wild nature.


Thursday, November 13, 2008

Cat Games

As a cat owner, you must take care of your cat. Cats are like any other member of the house. It is your utmost duty and responsibility to keep your cat happy and playful so that they never get bored at any point of time and you can do this by playing different cat games with them.

We are all busy, but 15-30 minutes a day to play with your cat will benefit you both. Cats play by chasing, swatting and pouncing. Try these games and you’ll both get to move around a bit. There are a few commercial cat toys on the market for cats that can help. There is a small cat treat ball. It has holes in it and you put some tasty treats in. As the cat bashes it around, food falls out randomly and the cat can play for ages trying to work out the trick.
