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Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Cat nip Flowers

The Catnip plant is conclusively best identified for its result on all members of the Cat family. All cat species from domestic to wildcats get attracted towards it, with results that are often strange and amusing.

Catnip is a straight recurrent which is best recognized for its minty odour produced by its leaves and stems when they are crushed or wilted. The cats get very attractive to its smell. Cat nips leaves and stems have minted fragrance. Bees seem to choose its flowers over most others. It helps in keeping rats away.

Catnip is a perennial herb which is associated with the mint family. It is a weed like mint which is native in America. The main ingredient in it is Nepetalactone which is non addictive and safe for cats.

There are different styles showcased by cats when they come in contact with this chemical. Cats, rub against Catnip as though trying to coat themselves, roll on it, toss it about, and rub their faces in it, some salivates it, some play with it and some even chew it.
Cats have the unbelievable ability to find Catnip plants. Catnip flower shape is common among the members of the mint family, and the flower is normally white in colour with purple dots on it. Unlike other members of the Mint Family, catnip has square stems.

The stem of the catnip is covered with fine hairs, and the leaves of catnip are heart-shaped, and are of gray green color. Catnip is reproduced by seeds; it spreads rapidly by seed through the garden, popping up everywhere.
